5tracks Afterwork closing party - live @ Podkast.FM

#Live-act session by SickSpud at ‘Afterwork closing party’ (Fr. 8/11/24)

#Live-act session by SickSpud at 'Afterwork closing party' (Fr. 8/11/24)

To close this month of radio madness, what could be better than some live festivities from the Afterwork closing party on Podkast.FM ? To do it right, we’ve the K-Bane dj collective to spice up this afterwork among friends: friends of radio, podcasting and music of course !

On the Afterwork closing party menu: at 20:30, an electro live-act by Swiss artist SickSpud officially launching this new episode of the 5tracks podcast on Podkast.FM! No tracklisting this time, as the live-act was produced on-the-go. Hope you will enjoy it!

© Sickspud, 2024

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Please send your music to info[at]odiolab.ch : our team will review and provide feedback to every track submitted.

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